Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Circular No 11


    Dear Comrades,
    Meeting with Finance Secretary:
    The Secretary General met the Finance Secretary on 30th Dec 2008. The meeting was held in a very cordial atmosphere. From our side we raised the issue of Revision of Pay scales of Audit officer/Accounts Officer and Sr. Audit Officer/Sr.Accounts Officer and the following points were stressed before the Finance Secretary.

    1. The present scales of AOs/Sr.AOs in the Indian Audit and Accounts department have disturbed the well established relativity by placing the Sr. DAO above the AO in an equal position with the SAO of IA&AD ignoring the fact that the department’s recruitment rules place the Divisional Accounts Officer in the scales equal to the AAO and the Sr. DAO has to be placed in the scales applicable to the AOs only.

  • 2. The AOs & SAOs are better qualified (SOG Examination) and are eligible for consideration for promotion to the cadre of IA&AS after promotion to the cadre of SAOs. They also supervise the Sr.DAOs. This being the actual relative status in the Department and it is illogical,anomalous to retain the AOs in PB 2. They should, in fact, be placed at a higher status by granting them the Grade Pay of 6600. The SAOs being a higher cadre to AOs should, in all fairness and equity, be placed in the Grade Pay of 7600.

  • 3. Traditionally AOS of IA&AD were always on a grade higher than that of SOs of CSS. The SAOs were in the grade of 8000-13500 as per the recommendations of the V CPC only on that basis. The VI CPC did not even attempt proper evaluation of the work and status of the cadre.

  • 4. In this regard it is pertinent to point out that the recruitment rules of IAS cadre stipulates that the gazetted officers of the State Service would be placed in the senior times scale directly on induction in to IAS. The absence of such a stipulation in the recruitment rules of IA&AS has lead to an unacceptable anomalous situation much to the disadvantage of the SAOs of IA&AD denying them due recognition of their experience and expertise. The recruitment rules need to be revised to undo the injustice being meted out to the SAOs.

  • 5. The financial commitment to the Central Government because of acceptance of this demand of AO/Sr.AOs is very minimal and very marginal.
    The Finance Secretary gave a patient hearing the points made by the Secretary General and appreciated the need for a re-look at the pay scales offered to AO/Sr.Aos by the 6th CPC. He promised to examine the whole issue and to make appropriate recommendations.

    Meeting with Expenditure Secretary:
    On the advice of the Finance secretary the secretary General met the expenditure Secretary on the same day in her chambers and pressed the above said points. The Expenditure Secretary also gave a patient hearing and promised to examine the issue and to make appropriate recommendations.

    Meeting with the C&AG:
    The President and Secretary General met the C&AG in his cabin on 2.01.09 and after exchange of pleasantries; we raised the issue of up gradation of pay scales of AOs/Sr.AOs and insisted that only direct intervention by the C&AG would fetch desired results in this regard. The C&AG informed that he was already pursuing the case and would try to expedite the case.

    Meeting with the Pr.Director (Staff):
    On the eve of the New Year on 31st Dec 2008 the President and Secretary General met the Pr.Director (Staff) and discussed the following issues.
    (1) Upgradation of pay scales to AO/Sr.AOs: The attention of the Pr.Director (Staff) was invited to the Memorandum submitted to the C&AG of India regarding this issue earlier. The Association had highlighted therein the hollowness and the illogical conclusion of the Sixth Pay Commission for retaining the SAOs at the existing level. That the just demand of the Association had been turned down without any reasoning is painfully flabbergasting and further we explained that the level of frustration faced by AO/Sr.AO cadre of the Department and we insisted that there was urgent need for upgrading of their grade pay. The Pr.Director agreed to pursue the issue seriously with the Ministry.

    (2) Clarification on TA/DA: We explained the peculiar situation faced by our officers and employees and the problem faced by them in the light of TA/DA orders issued consequent to the 6th CPC and the need to reexamine the whole issue. We cited the new rules framed by the Railway Ministry brought out in the latest order on Daily allowance to its employees. The Pr.Director informed that the C&AG administration had already approached the Ministry in this regard and would try to solve the problems faced by the officers and Employees of IA&AD.

    (3) Recognition to P&T Audit officers Association: We expressed our anguish that even though the P&T audit officers have completed all the formalities for the recognition before one year but till now that the association was not recognized. It was ironical that the subscription deducted through check off system by the administration of DG P&T was neither paid to the Association nor returned to the members and on the contrary was being retained by the administration though it belonged to the members for more than one year. The Pr.Director agreed to intervene in the matter.

    Meeting with the Pr.Director (C):
    The President, the Secretary General & the President of Association of Sr.AO(Commercial) & AO (Commercial) met the Pr.Director (C) in his cabin on 1st January and insisted for a formal meeting with the Association (commercial) for settlement of urgent issues affecting the commercial AOs/Sr.AOs. He agreed to arrange for formal meeting with DAI (C) soon.

    Though the meetings with Finance Secretary, Expenditure Secretary, and the C&AG on the up gradation of Pay scale of AOs/Sr.AOs were on a positive note we cannot afford to be complacent in the matter. We have no choice but to vigorously follow our negotiations through organizational efforts and create tremendous pressure to achieve our demands. Our experience all along has been that the authorities take a lackadaisical approach in all the matters relating to benefits and facilities to the AOs /Sr.AOs. The Association has, therefore decided to mobilize the entirety of its membership throughout the country and to wage a relentless battle under the banner of our Association. Our National Executive has correctly decided on these lines. We have to mobiles our cadres to wear black badge in all duty places as follows on 21st January.

    “We demand
    Meaningful Negotiation and Immediate Settlement of Charter of Demands”

    Further the Association calls upon all of its affiliates to prepare every one of our officers to participate in the lunch hour demonstration during the day long Dharna before the C&AG’s office by the National Executive Committee Members.
    It is further requested that each affiliated Association should intimate the number of the members who would participate in the Lunch Hour Demonstration before the C&AG Office to the Central Head Quarters Association by 3rd week of January.

    Increment benefit in case of SAOs who were promoted after 1.1.2006:
    It has come to the notice of the CHQ that in many field offices AOs who are being promoted as SAOs are not being granted the benefit of one increment. It is further learnt that in some offices in case of SAOs who were promoted after 1.1.2006 were initially given the benefit of one increment but at the time of retirement that benefit is being withdrawn and consequential recovery being affected. In fact in C&AG’s office the benefit is being given. If any field makes a reference, C&AG’s office will clarify the position. Therefore all those who are adversely affected are requested to prefer representation to C&AG through proper channel. The Secretaries of units are requested to send the details of such cases to CHQ to take up the matter with C&AG. They are also requested to insist on their heads of offices to refer the matter to C&AG again.

    Strike Notice by the Central Government Employees:
    On 2nd January 2009, the Central Government employees assembled in thousands and in one voice declared their determination to go on indefinite strike from 20th January 2009 in pursuance of the 20 point charter of demands. After a massive rally in front of the Parliament, the President and Secretary General of Confederation together served strike notice on the government. As these demands have a direct impact to our cadre also we fully support the agitation programme. The Federation therefore calls upon all its units to support the agitation and to extend full cooperation for the success of the programme. We also request all our members not to send any report to authorities regarding absence of members of affiliates of All India Audit & Accounts Association who participate in the Indefinite Strike.

    Yours Fraternally,

    Secretary General.