Organisation unifying the entirety of Audit/Sr.Audit officers and Accounts/Sr.Accounts officers in Indian Audit and Accounts Department for their rights.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
On 30th December
Mobilise all Audit/Accounts Officers
Sr.Audit/Sr.Accounts Officers
In Your Office/Station
Hold Lunch hour General Body Meeting
Adopt the Charter of Demands
Pass the resolution unanimously
Prepare every one of our Officer
For wearing Black Badge
To the cause of our upgradation of Grade Pay
During the third week of January
Prepare every one of our Officer
For Day Long Dharna
Before C&AG Office
To the cause of our upgradation of Grade Pay
During the Budget Session of Parliament
Send report to Head Quarters
Intimate Number of members
Willing to participate in the
Lunch Hour Demonstration
During the Day Long Dharna
----Secretary General
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Circular No 10-2008-09
The National Executive Members &
The Secretaries of the Affiliates.
Dear Comrades,
National Executive on 7th & 8th Dec: The National Executive Committee met at Hyderabad on 07-12-2008 & 08-12-08. The National Executive Committee Members including special invitees attended the meeting. The Meeting was presided over by Com.K.T.Sridharan. Com. V.Nageswara Rao, General Secretary of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, Andhra Pradesh Unit inaugurated the National Executive Meeting. Veteran leaders Com.V.Srinivasan, Former Treasurer of Our Association and Com.K.Premkumar former Asst. Secretary General of All India Audit and Accounts Association greeted the meeting.
The National Executive Committee paid rich tributes to Com C.S.V. Warrier, former Secretary General of All India Audit and Accounts Association and Com.P.S.Rana former Secretary General of All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association who expired last month.
At the out set the entire National Executive condoled the death of common people in the recent terror attacks in Mumbai and placed on record its appreciation of the role played by the exemplary Police Officers during terror attack in Mumbai in defending them and also the brave role played by our Commandoes during these times. The National Executive condemned in unequivocal terms the terror attacks on the common, ordinary, innocent human beings.
The National Executive unanimously adopted the amended Constitution of the Association which was approved by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
The National Executive discussed with great concern about the treatment meted out to our main demand of up gradation of Pay scales of AOs and Sr.AOs. The National Executive decided to build a rock like unity of all Audit and Accounts Officers to pursue the cause. It appealed to all its members must stand together, shoulder to shoulder, and express our unity unequivocally. It is imperative to demonstrate that such denial of justice would only reinforce our determination to seek justice relentlessly and that we would not be demoralized by such heinous denial by the pay commission, by the government or by the department.
The National Executive unanimously decided on the following programmes:
(a) To prepare the officers for an ultimate ‘Direct Action’ to support our efforts through negotiation with the Govt./C & A.G of India to achieve the up gradation of pay scales for SAOs/AOs by March ’08. With this direction in mind, the affiliated organizations were directed to organize ‘All India demands day on 30th December. (Charter of Demands enclosed).
(b) To organize ‘Black Badge wearing’ by all officers in the Head office as well in the field duties during Feb. ’08.
(c) To conduct the ‘Day Long Dharna before C&AG office by the National Executive, inviting all the officers to participate in the lunch Hour Demonstration before the C&AG Office supported by field level Lunch hour Demonstrations during the month of February/march.
Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers is on War Path: The Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers has called upon all its affiliates to Serve Strike Notice on 2.01.09 for Indefinite Strike to commence from 20th Jan 2009 on 20 point charter of Demands. As these demands have direct impact on our cadre also we fully support this agitation programme. The leaders of Confederation of Central Government Officers have discussed amongst themselves about this Strike Call. The Federation therefore calls upon all its units to render their opinion in this regard which should be communicated to the Head quarters.
Yours Fraternally,
Secretary General.
This General Body meeting of ……..Association, O/o……held on 30th December 2008 notes with concern that there is no meaningful dialogue by the C&AG administration with All India Audit and Accounts officers Association on its charter of demands.
This General Body meeting records it deep resentment over the drastic reduction of manpower over the years which has affected the overall performance of the Department and demands that all the vacant posts be filled in so as to enable proper compilation/maintenance of accounts and effective conduct of audit to the fullest possible extent.
This General body meeting is of the strong view that to boost the morale of the Officers which is at its lowest ebb – time bound promotions in these cadres be introduced without any delay.
This General body meeting takes strong exception to the denial of bare minimum democratic rights to Officers to organize and record their democratic dissent. In many stations recognition has not been granted to Associations despite passage of more than a year. On the other hand attempt is made to stifle the voice of protest by not even forwarding their representations/resolutions to the head of the department without observing laid down norms and even on being pointed out no corrective action is initiated.
This General Body meeting therefore urges upon the CAG of India to:
1 Settle all the Demands submitted in the Charter.
2 Fill up all vacancies in the Department so as to enable the AO/Sr.AOs to
Perform their duties effectively.
3. Grant time bound promotion to AO cadres.
4. Honour democratic rights of Officers serving in this Department. Grant/Restore
Recognition of field Associations.
Adopted Unanimously.
President (of the meeting)
Charter of Demands
1. Audit /Accounts Officers and Senior Audit/Accounts Officers should be given Scale of Pay in PB 3 with Grade Pay of Rs.6600/-and Rs.7600/- respectively.
2. Age restriction of 53 Years for induction into IA&AS should be removed.
3. Quota for induction into IA&AS cadre should be increased to 50% from existing 331/3 %.
4. Confer status of I.A. & A.S to promoted Sr. A Os directly in the rank of DAG/DD instead of AAG/AD, by giving weightage to their long year’s experience.
5. (a) Fill up all vacancies in the Department so as to enable the AO/Sr.AOs to perform their duties effectively and to do their Accounts and Auditorial functions efficiently.(b) Adequate number of posts should be created in all the Audit/Accounts offices, corresponding to the increased workload in the cadre of AOs/SAOs.
6. (a) Welfare Officer Post should be created in each Audit/Accounts office without reference to the total number of staff working in that office. (b)Welfare officer post should be filled up on the basis of strictly on seniority by the C&AG himself without being referred to the UPSC.
7. Wards of AOs/SAOs dying in harness should be given Compassionate Appointment without taking into account their Terminal Benefits.
8. (a) Dilution of Audit function should be stopped. A thorough review of the existing Audit Plans should be made and audit made more effective.
(b) Audit of Panchayat Raj institutions should be strengthened by creating adequate number of posts in that wing.
(c) The financial transactions of LIC, Public Sector Banks, Privately held public Limited companies, Non Government Organizations, Companies which are substantially financed by the Government without any limitation on the percentage of share capital, all regulatory bodies, Special Purpose Vechicles should be subjected to audit of C&AG.
9. AOs should be promoted to the cadre of SAOs immediately after completing 2 years in the AOs cadre as was done previously by adopting the "Prospective Seniority List".
10. (a) Frequent interventions in the Democratic functioning of Association by the Administration should be stopped. (b) Harassment of Office Bearers of the Associations should be stopped immediately; (c) All types of victimisations should be vacated; (d) Conducive working atmosphere should be created in the dept. (E) Restoration of Grievance redressal Machinery in field offices. (F) Periodical, “Formal meetings” should be conducted for settling the local problems.
11. Re-imbursement of food bills should be made on the basis of Self Certificates.
12. Railway Audit Parties on tour duty should be allowed to stay in hotels as per their entitlements whenever accommodation is not available.
13. Uniform Transparent transfer policy should be devised in the Commercial, Railway audit, P&T audit wings. There should not be any arbitrary transfer.
14. Closure of Resident Audit units in the Commercial Audit wing and reduction of posts in the MAB offices should be stopped.
15. Reduction of posts and down sizing of the P&T audit wing should be stopped.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Homage to Com.C.S.V.Warrier
Com. Warrier was the best among the outstanding First generation of leaders who developed the workers movement in Indian Audit and Accounts department after Independence. Reared in the glorious revolutionary traditions of the Workers’ movement in Kerala, he rose to be an able exponent of working class politics, a brilliant strategist and organizer of the All India Audit and Accounts Association.
It was Com. Warrier who, by his relentless effort, fuelled by commitment to the cause, built the Association and its infrastructure of today. Under his leadership, the All India Audit and Accounts Association became a powerful and consolidated force. It was due to his untiring efforts, which took a toll on his health, that the All India Audit and Accounts Association occupies the place of pride in the Working Class movement in India. He was a leader who enjoyed the confidence at all levels of the members of this great Association.
He set an exemplary standard in adhering to Middle Class unionism and applying it creatively to the development of the audit movement in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. He led a simple life and his whole time and energies during his tenure were devoted to the Association.
In his untimely death, the All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association and the leadership have suffered a grievous loss. The workers movement in IA&AD owes its revival and rejuvenation to the demised comrade. He paid a heavy price for the cause by losing his health and sacrificed his family life and gave up only when he could not carry on anymore on account of his ill health. The memory of the comrade will forever shine as a guiding star to us all and his achievements serve as inspiring benchmarks.
The All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association pay its respectful homage to our beloved Comrade C.S.V.Warrier. The National Executive vows to emulate him.
Words fail to convey the grief and the deep sorrow at the demise of the great son of our movement. Nonetheless we hereby endeavour to express our condolences to his family members.
When one recalls his time with Com. Warrier the first to be recalled is his defiant spirit that never faltered before challenges. He was like Norbert Capek who defied Hitler in the face of death. The following would personify the defiant spirit.
Norbert Capek
It is worthwhile to live and fight courageously for sacred ideals.
O blow ye evil winds into my body's fire my soul you'll never unravel.
Even though disappointed a thousand times or fallen in the
I have lived amidst eternity --Be grateful, my soul --My life was worth living.
He who was pressed from all sides but remained victorious in spirit
He who overcame the fetters giving wings to his mind
(composed in Dresden Prison in 1941, shortly before he was transferred to Dachau concentration camp, where he died in October, 1942)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Diwali Greetings from Commercial Comrade to All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association
The new company bill (introduced in the parliament on 23rd October 2008) contains all the provisions of the existing section 619 Which provides powers to audit the accounts of Public Sector undertakings by C&AG except that a time limit has been added. I must congratulate the commercial comrades for the valiant fight against the move to do away with the supplementary/test audit of the accounts of the government companies on the basis of the J.J.Irani committee recommendations. This is a historic moment not only for the commercial comrades but also for all the comrades in Indian Audit and Accounts Department who demonstrated that even the high & mighty cannot impose its dictates against the combined will of the united Employees and Officers. Certainly it is a historic moment indeed which calls for celebrations and a renewed pledge for strengthening the organization.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Diwali Greetings
Colourful, Delightful &
cheerful DIWALI.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
$700,000,000,000 for what?
First, it was the shock. Then it began to sink in. Then it came to anger.
In a little over a week the American people first heard of, then digested and are now grappling with the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s and with the Bush administration’s demand that they hand over $700 billion of their hard-earned tax dollars to bail out Wall Street. The Bush administration has proposed a massive bailout plan of at least $700 billion (maybe as much as $1.7 trillion) to stabilize the financial system amid the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a Bush appointee, and the President are pushing for Congress to rapidly pass the plan this week with little debate and no amendments. The right wing and the banks want a plan that gives a blank check to Wall Street with no oversight.
The full extent of the current crisis and its impact on working people cannot now be fully comprehended, but the crisis is deep and cannot be easily resolved is apparent. Furthermore, the criteria for any plan to solve the crisis must be what’s good for the working people of United States of America and the world, not what’s good for the mega-rich and massive monopolies that got ordinary American into this mess.
If comments of people on the street here are any indication, there is deep resentment about having to trade, as New York Times columnist Paul Krugman put it, “cash for trash.”
Permanent solutions can only be found, Sweeney said, “in the economic programme of re-regulation of the financial markets, a government focused on creating good jobs by investing in infrastructure and solutions to the energy crisis, health care for all Americans, a government that will protect and improve Americans’ retirement security and a guarantee that American workers can bargain for their fair share of the wealth they create.”
Developments are evolving fast and their full impact has yet to be felt, but let’s make sure that American workers, those who made their country rich, do not further suffer at the expense of the financial elites, those who have created this crisis. Working people of America Slogan is “Save Main Street not Wall Street!”
So what?
We Indians are in no way affected by this crisis!!!
Is it so?
Our GDP is so Strong!!
Our Growth rate is so excellent!!!
Our Potential is so rampant!!!!
All Jingoistic Slogans will sustain.
What is the reality?
Rate of Inflation is 12.5%
78 per cent of Indian people just about manage to survive on less than Rs 20 a day
Our pension funds are to be invested in Dalal Street!!!
Do Not Forget….
Already Workers' Provident Fund Amounts have been gifted to Corporates!!!
The trustees of the Employees Provident Fund at the behest of the Central government (tainted Manmohan Singh Government) have handed over huge amounts of workers Provident Fund contributions to Finance companies for speculative purposes. By this decision around Rs 2, 40,000 crore in the corpus fund and another Rs 30,000 crore of the annual incremental fund will be literally gifted to the Corporates.
The Character of Dalals is similar in nature whether in United States of America or in India. Here also the time is not far that we may also coin the similar slogan.
“Save Main Street not Dalal Street!”
Beware of these polices
Prepare for the struggle.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
An Interaction with the leader
Recently one of the comrades wanted to know as to what the programmes of the Association had actually achieved. He was of the strong view that it was of no use to agitate for the association had failed, for instance in computerisation despite all its agitation.
I was surprised at his argument.
What the comrade has failed to understand was that the association did not oppose the computerisation in total but only attempted to prevent the implementation of technology rendering many of us jobless. The Association had succeeded in its endeavour to certain extent. I am sure that those who had watched the progress will agree that the agitation programmes brought a regulated and transparent rules and procedures and saved many from being declared redundant. It is now for the comrade to decide whether the programmes of the Association stopped immediate reduction in man power. Let the ones like this comrade contemplate on this point- what will happen if you do not agitate against the atrocities of the authorities?
With regards,
Commercial comrade.
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Caution Note from commercial comrade
comrades beware !!!!
With regards to you All,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Resolution for adoption on 19th September 2008
Non consideration of the demand for granting the pay scale equivalent to Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary Posts of Central Secretariat to Audit/Accounts and Senior Audit/Senior Accounts Officers of Indian Audit & Accounts Department was very disappointing. The non consideration of the demand though it was justified both on merits and historical background was further disheartening. It further negated the basic foundation of wage fixation in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department by introducing an argument that the parity of pay scales between the Central Secretariat employees and the IA&AD employees were never agreed to by the Government of India ignoring the conscious decision taken by the conclusions of the IV and V Central pay Commission in this regard. This decision has contributed to the merger of the Cadre of Section Officers (Group B non-Gazetted) and Asst. Audit Officers/Asst. Accounts Officers (Group B Gazetted) into a single Grade Pay. Further the placement of Sr. Divisional Accounts Officer cadre above the level of Audit Officers/Accounts Officers though the Divisional Accountants are not expected to qualify in the SOG Exam and are supervised by the AOs in their functions has created Cadre specific anomalous situation. The negation of the benefit accrued to the Employees/Officers of IA&AD after prolonged struggle which was also based on an arbitration award under the scheme of JCM as well as the decision of the Government of India represented by the Group of Ministers based on merit is further creating displeasure in the minds of the Employees and Officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department. The denial of the existing benefits of restructuring in the IA&AD enjoyed from 1.3.1984 and endorsed and expanded by the IV and V central pay commissions is not acceptable.
The meeting therefore, after careful examination urges upon the Government of India that the Audit/Accounts Officers and Sr.Audit/Sr.Accounts Officers of IA & AD be granted pay band PB3 with grade pay of Rs.6600/ and Rs.7600/ respectively. The meeting also urges upon the Comptroller & Auditor General of India to intervene immediately in the matter of pay scales of Audit/Accounts Officers and Sr.Audit/Sr.Accounts Officers.
The meeting further resolves to forward the copy of the resolution to Honourable Prime Minister, Honourable Finance Minister Government of India, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India urging their immediate intervention in the matter.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Resoloution on Policy and Programmes of our Conference
The conference notes with concern the decision to implement the recommendations of the VI Central Pay Commission with effect from 1.1.2006 without considering any of the demands made by Staff Side JCM and Officers Organisations. The VI Central Pay Commission while agreeing to grant the wages linking with raising prices and Dr.Ackroid’s formula had erred in adopting the norms. The selection of wrong basis for the calculation of the minimum need for a family based on price level created by a newspaper and ‘adhoc’ addition of 20% towards housing transport and medical needs of the Employees’ totally ignoring the 25% addition towards social obligation and educational need, has resulted in lesser minimum wage minimum pension/family pension to the employees in the lower strata and officers up to Group ‘B’ level. The assumption that the Group D scales are going to be subsumed in the future and providing the ‘minimum wage’ at the level of “Group C” entry stage had thrust upon a permanent injustice on the Central Government Employees and Pensioners. The failure to provide equal fixation benefit for all grades of Central Government Employees by adopting the multiplication factor of 2.625 of pre revised basic pay, the proposal to introduce revised price Index for Central Government Employees as well as an adverse commutation table, withdrawal of existing benefits like CGHS, CCA, benefit of fixation on promotion at the rate of 10 percent of grade pay and pay in pay band with a minimum benefit of Rs.1000, denial of loans and advances at reasonable rates from consolidated fund of India, and denial of Interest free advances to the lower strata of employees etc, coupled with introduction of the contractorisation and outsourcing at the level of Joint secretaries and above has increased the discontent among the Central Government Employees and Officers.
It is therefore demanded that the Government of India should discuss the proposals made by the ‘Staff side – JCM’ and the other Employees’/pensioners’ Federation/Officers’ Confederation with a view to settle the ’above said anomalies’ at an early date. This 33rd Conference of All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association, therefore, endorsed the “18 point Charter” finalised by the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers and authorise the National Executive to endorse the programme of action finalised by the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers, including the decision to participate in the “Indefinite Strike” action during December’08 if such an action is inevitable.
In respect of the Employees and Officers working under the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the Conference notes with dismay that the VI Central Pay Commission totally ignored the demand made by the employees and officers Federations. It further negated the basic foundation of wage fixation in the IA&AD by introducing an argument that the parity of pay scales between the central secretariat employees and the IA&AD employees were never agreed to by the Government of India ignoring the conscious decision taken by the conclusions of the IV and V Central pay Commission in this regard. This decision has contributed to merge the Cadre of SOs (Group B non-Gazetted) and AAOs (Group B Gazetted) into a single pay band and placement of Divisional Accounts Officer cadre above the level of AOs though the Divisional Accountants are not expected to qualify in the SOG Exam and are supervised by the AOs in their functions. Such action has resulted in the negation of the benefit accrued to the Employees/Officers of IA&AD after prolonged struggle which was also based on an arbitration award under the scheme of JCM as well as the decision of the Government of India represented by the Group of Ministers based on merit. The denial of the benefits of restructuring in the IA&AD enjoyed from 1.4.1984 and endorsed and expanded by the IV and V central pay commissions has to be highlighted and protected by suitable organisational action. The continued denial of Group ‘A’ status to the Sr.AOs, the arbitrary conditionality of age restriction of 53 years for entry into the cadre of Group ‘A’, failure to enhance the percentage of promotional avenue to the Sr.AOs to 50% of the Group A sanctioned strength and other organisational grievances which are listed in the charter of demands merit further pursuance with C&AG of India. The task of getting adequate TA & DA on tour for IA & AD employees also needs continued attention.
It is noted with concern that the cadre of AOs/Sr.AOs were not subjected to review so far. The Officers serving in the Central Government enjoy promotional avenues as well as ACP up to the level of Joint Secretaries. The Government of India has now extended the benefit of ACP to the Group “A” services as well. The Conference therefore authorises the National Executive Committee to initiate the ‘Dialogue” to explore the possibilities of “Cadre review” of SAO/AOs in the IA & AD.
The Conference therefore authorises the National Executive to draw suitable programme of action in the event of a failure to get a negotiated settlement with C&AG. The Conference notes with satisfaction the progress made in Joint struggles by the Group ‘B’ and promotee Officers through the Confederation of Central Government Officers and the Joint Struggle by Co-ordination Committee of Audit and Accounts employees and Officers Organisations. The Conference also authorises the National Executive to develop the Co-ordination and to implement the call given by these mass organisations.
The result of Computerisation, Contract employment and outsourcing of employees coupled with unscientific reduction of Staff strength based on the recommendation of the ‘task forces’ appointed by the C&AG, failure to fill up the vacancies under the lower level and the failure to operate the leave reserve etc has thrust enormous work load on the AOs & SAOs. We are also concerned with the wilful negation of the C&AG of India in discharging his Constitutional functions under the guise of Audit Plan, Performance Audit, arbitrary reduction of “Audit Paragraphs” under the Suo-motto reviews, waiver of basic accounting checks of classification and restriction placed on the normal checks while authorising the Entitlement functions to the State Government Employees and the constraints under which the officers in IA&AD are subjected to work. Our demand for sanction of adequate staff for “Local Body Audit Function” and continued reluctance to bring the public Sector organisations like LIC, Banks under the audit purview of the C&AG of India also merit sustained struggle till these demands are achieved. To achieve these objectives the Conference authorise the National Executive to organise Convention and improve the public awareness about the role of audit in the parliamentary democracies. Regarding the demands listed in the departmental Charter the National Executive committee can take up at departmental level and authorises for fruitful negotiations.
The Conference also notes the harmful effect of the uncontrolled price rise and ever increasing inflation in the house hold of our Officers/employees besides the poor and unorganised sector. The Conference was of the opinion that the organisation cannot be silent spectator when anti-employee decisions are thrust on the working class. The Conference was of the unanimous decision that the organisation shall resist the anti employee decision of the Government by organising joint struggles with other trade unions and mass organisations. The Conference also resolved to fight the “New pension Scheme”, attempts to take away CGHS by introduction of Health Insurance scheme and investment of pension/PF funds in speculative market etc. with our full strength and to defeat them in the interest of the nation.
All these can be achieved only when our unity is maintained and developed. To this end we authorise the National Executive to initiate dialogue/ discussions with other organisations in the IA&AD to bring them all under “one umbrella” In this connection our efforts to secure recognition for P&T Audit, Railways and Defence Audit Associations early shall continue. Workers of the World unite shall be our guiding principle.
The Conference further authorises the Secretariat to take appropriate action for the pursuance and implementation of the above policy and programme decision from time to time in consultation with various decision making forums of the organisation.
President of the Conference
Circular No 7
The National Executive Members &
The Secretaries of the Affiliates.
Dear Comrades,
33rd Conference of All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association:
The 33rd Conference of the All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association was held at Sugandha Mangal Karyalaya Dharampeth, Nagpur from 29.08.08 to 30.08.08 as notified. 47 Delegates and 18 observers representing 17 units attended the Conference.
Felicitation to our Leaders: Com. M. Badrudeen,Additional Secretary General of the Association, Com.Limsay Veteran Leader from Nagpur who had already retired and Com.N.Kannan General Secretary Association of AOs & SAOs(Commercial) who is to retire in January 2009 were felicitated in the convention venue.
Convention on Strengthening Audit & Accounts to safeguard people’s rights:
On the eve of the 33rd All India Conference, the Federation has organized a Convention at the Multipurpose Hall in the O/o of the Accountant General (A&E) II, Maharashtra Nagpur on 28.08.08 at 3 p.m. focusing on the importance of “strengthening the functioning of Auditing and Accounting functions of the Supreme Audit Institution to safeguard the people’s Rights” by maintaining its independence, impartiality, high democratic values and traditions expected from the instrumentality by the framers of the Constitution and at the same time by equipping it to take on the challenges arising out of the contemporary national needs. The Convention was presided over by Com.S.Radhakrishna, President of the Association. Com.Rupchand Pal, M.P., Chairman COPU inaugurated the Convention. The key note address was delivered by Com.S.Mohan Secretary General of the Federation. Com.S.K.Vyas President, Confederation of the Central Government Employees and Workers, Com.Manohar Deshkar AITUC and Com.R.K.Srivatsav (former President of All India Audit & Accounts Association) Chairman, Reception Committee of the 33rd Conference, addressed the convention. The convention culminated in release of a declaration which suggested certain immediate corrective steps that would make this most important public accountability mechanism an effective one.
Inaugural Session of the Conference: 29-08-08 Com.S.Radhakrishna, President of the Association hoisted the Flag and saluted the martyrs in the presence of Com.S.K.Vyas. Com.R.K.Srivatsav Chairman, Reception Committee welcomed the delegates and leaders of fraternal organisations. The Conference was inaugurated by Com.S.K. Vyas, who highlighted the failures of VI CPC in adopting the norms prescribed by the 15th ILC and the consequent reduction in the minimum wage/minimum pension, at the Group ‘D’ Level. The failure to revise the minimum wage/pension, not increasing the rate of increment, non acceptance of fitment formula suggested by JCM staff side would force the central government employees to resort to ‘Indefinite Strike’ action by December 2008. He demanded a meaningful negotiation with the Staff Side JCM and other employees/officers organization at an early date. Shri.Nitin Gadkari M.L.C and the President of BJP, Maharashtra State Unit appreciated the role of Audit in exposing the failure of Government in disbursing the ‘Debt relief’ to the indebted farmers. He deplored the failure of C&AG of India for substituting “Performance audit”for “Financial and Regularity Audit”. As a member of the Committee of Economic affairs in the BJP he promised to support the Audit Accounts Officers Organisation. Com. Asai, General Secretary, CITU, Nagpur Com.Rajesh.D.Menon, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Officers Organasations Com.M.S.Raja Secretary General, All India Audit and Accounts Association and Com.P.K.Dass General Secretary, Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Nagpur greeted the Conference.
Delegate Session: 29-08-08 The Delegate Session was presided by the Presidium consisting of Com.Radhakrishna and Com.A.S.Mazumdar. The Secretary General presented the minutes of 32nd Conference held at Bangalore which was adopted unanimously by the Conference. Com.S.Mohan then presented his report for the period from 2006 to 2008 and explained the salient features of the report. More than 14 delegates from various affiliated units took part in the discussion. Finally the report of Secretary General was adopted with certain modifications/additions in the ‘Homage’ paragraph and paragraph on victimization of Association functionaries in the field unit as well as national executive Committee members. The Secretary General’s report adopted by the Conference shall be circulated shortly. Then the Secretary General presented the Audited Accounts for the year 2006-07 & 2007-08 which were unanimously adopted by the Conference. The amendments proposed to the Constitution of All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association with amendments as suggested by the C&AG’s office were adopted by the conference unanimously.
Resoloutions: 30.08.08 The resolutions considering the General Secretary of the Association of AOs &SAOs (Comml)) as well as the General Secretary Association of P&T Audit Officers and Sr.Audit Officers as Ex- Officio members of the National Executive Committee and inclusion of 5 more permanent invitees, including a representative from the ‘Lady Officers’ was also adopted. The Secretary General then moved the resolution of policy and programme which was adopted unanimously. The resolutions regarding the Closure of RAPs in the Commercial Audit wing, Victimization, Reduction of staff was proposed by the Secretary General which were adopted unanimously. Com.K.T.Sridharan convenor, Subject Committee summed up the specific demands relating to various Audit/Accounting wings in the IA&AD and the Conference gave mandate to the Secretariat of the Association to finalize the charter of Demands.
Programme of Action: The Conference decided to Observe the Demands day on 19.09.08 to adopt and present the resolution to the C&AG through the Accountant General/Director of Audit by Mass Deputation of members of respective units. This will be a prelude to our fight to achieve the grant of pay scales equivalent to the Under Secretary/Dy.Secretary of the Central Secretariat to the AOs/SAOs respectively. We should also note with concern the ignominy of Divisional Accounts Officers being made equal to the Audit Officers despite the fact that they are not required to qualify in the SOG Exam and are liable for supervision by Audit Officers. The Grade Pay has been upwardly revised at ten stages in favour of Gr A officers, but not a single upgrade revision, not even for rectifying the anomalies pointed out in the construction of Pay Bands, have taken place in the case of PB1 & PB 2. For senior Gr. A officers, another Pay Scale has been created called HAG+ (Higher Administrative Grade). It is very clear that the government expressly ignores the vast majority of employees and promotee Officers, their whole concern is a negligible percentage of Gr A officers. Other injustices thrust upon us by the VI CPC also are to be resisted. Let us prepare for a strike Ballot for Indefinite Strike after the observation of ‘Campaign week subject to the decision of the National Executive Committee, scheduled to be held at Hyderabad Com.D.S.Thakur, Com.D.Balasubramanian, advisors to the All India Association, and Com.Badarudeen, Com.A.S.Majumdar outgoing office bearers of the All India Association addressed the Conference.
Election to the National Executive: Com.N.Kannan (General Secretary Association of AOs &SAOs (Commercial)) was appointed as Election Officer to conduct the election of the National Executive for the period 2008 to 2010 by the Conference. The list of office bearers elected unanimously to the National Executive, the General Auditor nominated and the Advisors for the All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association unanimously approved by the conference is enclosed. After the acceptance speech by the President (elect) & Secretary General, valedictory address by the Former President, the conference was concluded after the adoption of resolution thanking the Host Unit for their splendid efforts in organizing the Conference successfully.
Each unit leadership should undertake extensive campaign by holding activists’ meetings, group meetings etc to mobilise the employees for the mass Deputation on 19th September 2008. The report on the Implementation of the programme action may be communicated to the Secretary General without loss of time.
With Fraternal Greetings,
Yours Comradely,
Secretary General.
Composition of National Executive Committee ofAll India Accounts & Audit Officers’ Association
I.National executive Committee Members :
1 President: S. V. Deshpande O/o Accountant General (A & E) II Maharashtra, Nagpur
2 Vice President:K. T. Sridharan O/o Accountant General (C & RA) Tamil Nadu, Chennai
3 Secretary General:S. Mohan O/o Accountant General (Commercial Audit) Maharashtra, Mumbai
4 Additional Secretary General:R. S. Dubey O/o Accountant General (A & E) Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad
5 Asst. Secretary General (F): P. Prabhakar Principal Director of Audit, South Central Railway, Secundrabad
6 Asst. Secretary General:S. C. Sahu O/o Accountant General (A & E) Orissa, Bhubaneshwar
7 Asst. Secretary General:Swapan K. Chattopadhya Principal Director of Commercial Audit and Member Audit Board IV, New Delhi At Kolkatta.
8 Asst. Secretary General:K. V. Nagaraju O/o Principal Accountant General (Audit), Karnataka, Bangalore
II Ex-officio Members of the National Executive
9 The General Secretary, Association of SAO (Commercial) & AO (Commercial)
10 The General Secretary, P&T Audit Officers’ & Sr.Audit Officers’ Association
III Special Invitee to the National Executive
11 N. Raveendran Pillai, O/o the Pr. Accountant General (Audit) Kerala,
12 O.P.Goel, O/o the Accountant General (A&E) Gwalior
13 Smt.Vanaja Ramabadran, O/o the Accountant General (A&E) Tamil Nadu
14 Samir Kumar Bhar, O/o the Pr. Director of Audit (Central) Kolkotta
15 S.Venkat Reddy, O/o the Accountant General (A&E) Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
16 S.Radhakrishna, Former President, All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association
17 M.Badruddin, Former Additional Secy. General, All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association
Friday, August 22, 2008
The audit & accounts employees and officers and the central government employees, through the massive participation in the 20th August 2008 strike have stated in unequivocal terms their determination to fight against the denial of minimum wage and fitment formula and also against the move to contractorise the jobs in the government offices. The employees and officers have understood that the 6 CPC recommendations and its implementation by the Government are nothing but the extension of the neoliberal economic policies that the successive governments are pursuing for the last nearly two decades. This realization led to massive participation despite attempts to term the strike action as a political one. The employees and officers emphatically reacted against the politics of neo-liberal economic policies.
The participation of Audit & Accounts officers in IA&AD is noteworthy especially when the administration did their best to put hurdles.
The All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association once again Congratulates every member, every activist and every leader for the successful strike on 20th August 2008.
This success against all odds gives us confidence to decide on future actions on the 6 CPC related issues.
Yours Fraternally,
Secretary General.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Circular 6 All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association
The National Executive Members &
The Secretaries of the Affiliates.
Dear Comrades,
Resist the Arrogance, Rebuff the dishonesty; Ensure total strike on 20th August 2008
After a wait of nearly five months, the government has finally decided to implement the 6 CPC recommendations with effect from 1st September 2008, with some minor modifications. In this era of scientific discovery and technological advancement; various tools have been created to facilitate the delivery of news materials within the country. But unfortunately our Government have found ways of abusing such facilities to spread rumours with libel intent to reduce our fighting potential. Now the government has presented before people the acceptance of pay commission recommendations itself as an act of benevolence.
The fact is that as on 1.1.2006 the employees were drawing DA at 86%. The 6 CPC did not consider the DP factor and denied the benefit of 12%, an element that is already part of the pay. This 12% that was snatched away has now been restored. This is not a bonanza; it is not at all an additional increase. It is only restoration of what is due to the employees.
But what had the Staff Side, JCM and Confederation of officers demanded with Committee of Secretaries?
Re-computation of Minimum wages based on the actual prices that existed on 1.1.2006 and on the Supreme Court ruling on minimum wages and consequential reconstruction of Pay Bands.
The Gr D entry level (the minimum wage) remains unchanged at Rs 5740. Rs 7000/- is the entry level for Gr C. Squaring it off to 7000/- means an increase of Rs 80/- after applying the multiplying factor of 1.86. (2750x1.86 +1800=6915 ie Rs 6920/-)
What we have demanded was RS 10000 for Gr D at entry level and our demand with Committee of Secretaries was (as rock bottom) application of the principle applied by
5 th CPC (increase in the net national product for 10 years) i.e. an increase of 56.2% over the pay drawn on 1.1.2006 – 4743x156.2%= 7408 adjusted to Rs 7400- with consequential changes in all stages and pay bands.
PB-1 will now start at 5200 (instead of 4860) and PB2 will start at 9300 (in place of 8700) with no change in the Grade pay – as result of increasing the fitment to 1.86 in place of 1.74. This change will no way benefit an existing employee.
Fitment formula of 2.625:
The change from 1.74 to 1.86 will bring in a marginal increase, but that is what we are drawing, nothing new in it. This only gives a benefit of another DA merger, not of a Pay Revision.
A Pay Revision would be felt actually if a uniform fitment formula is made available universally. Fitment factor of 2.625 would give uniform benefit of 41% to all up to the scale of 8000-13500. (Gr A is already granted a higher rate).
No abolition of Gr D posts, No contractorisation :
The worst type of deception is shown here. Though the statement issued by the Government states that GR D in ministerial offices and Porters in Railways would continue to be recruited, their pay scale has not been revised.
Minimum benefit of 10% on promotion& Pension:
The demand for minimum increase of 10% in pay on promotion has not been accepted by the Government. The incremental benefit of 3% is paltry. The communiqué issued by Government is silent on the recommendations of 6 CPC on Pension, parity in pension of pre-1996 and post 1996 retirees, discrimination in the grant of family pension, minimum pension and revision in ex gratia to SRPF/CPF retirees, and especially on outsourcing (i.e. doing away with) Pension Commutation.
In the nutshell, a very big fraud has been committed on us. Government is using its propaganda machinery in such a manner that reminds one of Goebel (propaganda Secretary of Adolph Hitler) – repeat a lie hundred times, it will be accepted as the truth.
When we speak of Pay, the government speaks of pay and allowances (saying that it will be more than 10,000 pm) at the minimum level up to Group B level. But while speaking of maximum pay it speaks of only Pay (80,000).
It speaks of average hike of 21%. But it would not say how much at the lower level and how much for Group A Officers. The change of Base year for DA from 1982 to 2001 would affect the quantum of DA. The move to introduce separate Consumer Price Index for Government employees is an attempt to take away the existing compensation on price rise available to us and it has to be resisted with great vigour.
The Government’s eagerness to push through the PFRDA bill in the forthcoming session of Parliament commencing on 20th September 2008 is the gravest threat to social security available to every employee in the Central Government.
The unprecedented inflation and rise in prices of the essential commodities and its accelerating trend caused due to the pursuance of the anti-people economic policies of globalization, liberalization and privatization followed by the present Government has made the life of Central Government Employees, workers and poor people miserable and unbearable. The raging inflation nullifies whatever increase in DA is granted by the Central and State Governments and will wipe out any financial benefit that might accrue to the employees because of the implementation of much awaited VI-CPC modified recommendations.
We need to rise to the occasion and give a big rebuff to Government on its neglect and denial of our genuine demands. We have to put up a strong resistance to passage of PFRDA Bill.
Ensure Total Strike on 20th August as a mark of protest against the Arrogance & Dishonesty and Fraud on us.
With greetings,
Yours Fraternally,
Secretary General
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Message from the Secretary General,Confederation Of Central Government Gazetted Officers Organisations.
Enclosed herewith is the notice served on the Cabinet Secretary by the CCGGOO for the proposed strike on 20/08/2008 on the 6th CPC issue.
All the costituent organisations of the CCGGOO are hereby requested to participate in the said strike and send a strong signal to the Govt. about our determined will to fight the injustice meted out by the 6th CPC Report.
By participating in the said strike, we shall be supporting and strengthening the CCGE&W (Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers).
Yours comradely,
Rajesh Menon
Secretary General
Dated: 23.07.08
The Cabinet Secretary,
Rashtrapathy Bhawan Annexe,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Dear Sir,
This is to give notice that the Officers who are members of the affiliates of the Confederation of Central Government Confederation of Central Government Gazetted Officers Organisations will go on a day's strike on 20th August, 2008. The Demands in pursuance of which the Officers will embark upon the one day strike action is enclosed.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
( Rajesh Menon )
Secretary General
Charter of Demands.
1.Accept the modifications suggested by the C.C.G.G.O.O (main demand for a uniform rate of fitment @ 120% of the existing pay) or the suggestions of Staff Side JCM in the Standing Committee meeting held on 7th May, 2008 and implement the 6th CPC recommendations accordingly.
2. Afford right to strike to Government employees.
3. Withdraw the new contributory Pension scheme and extend the existing defined benefit pension scheme to all Govt. employees including those recruited after 01.01.2004.
4. Stop privatization, corporatisation and downsizing of Government department and abandon the neo-liberal economic policies.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
NEWS FROM THE DESK OF Secretary General
Mumbai 42,
Dear Comrades,
One of our long pending demand, i.e Removal of Anomaly in the pay scale of AOs/Sr.AOs due to revision of pay scales of AAOs /SOs with effect from 19/02/2003, is achieved.
Some of the Sr. Accounts/Audit Officers, who were promoted as Accounts/Audit Officers prior to 01-01-1996 and were drawing more pay than their junior officers are, consequent to the up gradation of pay scales of officers up to the level of Assistant Accounts/Audit officers under Head Quarters Office Order No.6/82/EIII/B/91 dated 28-02-2003, drawing less pay than their junior officers who have been promoted to the cadre of Accounts/Audit officers after 01-01-1996. The anomaly has arisen due to up gradation of pay scales of all posts except that of the Accounts/ Audit Officers and Sr. Accounts/Audit Officers. After our prolonged struggle, negotiation at various levels the C&AG Administration has finally issued orders delegating powers to all the heads of Departments (Pr.AG/AG/PDA/PD(C)) to settle these cases. We are extending our sincere thanks to C&AG administration in this regard.
Secretary General.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Circular 5 of All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association
(Recognised by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India)
Ref. No. 59/NGE(JCM) 27-2006(Vol-II) dt. 12-03-2007
E Mail ID ‘’
No. AIAAAOA/Circular/2008-09/5 01.08.2008
The National Executive Members &
The Secretaries of the Affiliates
Dear Comrades,
As per the decision of the Convention, Our federation decided to join the one day strike on 20th August 2008 on the six demands that were finalised in the joint Convention of Central and State Employees & teachers on 8th July 2008, consequent to the decision of the Central Trade Unions and Federations in a convention held at New Delhi on 13th June 2008.
The demands adopted by National convention of Central and State Government employees and University, college and School teachers on 8th July, 2008
Accept the modifications suggested by the Staff Side JCM in the Standing Committee meeting held on 7th May, 2008 and implement the 6th CPC recommendations accordingly.
Afford right to strike to Government employees
Withdraw the new contributory Pension scheme and extend the existing defined benefit pension scheme to all Govt. employees including those recruited after 1.1.2004.
Stop privatization, corporatisation and downsizing of Government department and abandon the neo-liberal economic policies.
The Demands adopted in National Convention of Trade Unions on 13 May 2008
Take urgent step to contain price-rise through (a) universalizing the public distribution system throughout the country to cater all essential commodities at controlled price through PDS, (b) ban on futures and forward trading in all essential commodities, (C) reduction of tax in petrol and diesel, (d) stringent action against hoarding and black marketing.
Strict implementation of all labour laws particularly in respect of minimum wages, working hours, social security and safety and stringent action against all cases of violations; stop contractorisation and outsourcing
Scope of the Unorganised Sector Workers Social Security Bill pending in Parliament should be expanded to cover all unorganised sector workers irrespective of BPL or APL category to ensure a national minimum social security benefit for them as per unanimous recommendation of the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) and the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour with Central Govt Funding.
Farmers Loan Waiver Scheme to be extended to loans from private moneylenders; nationalized banks to extend easy credit to peasants at lower interest rate.
Lift ban on recruitment in Govt services; remove the negative and discriminatory features in the recommendation of 6th Pay Commission and finalise the same for implementation in consultation with the employees organisations; expedite regularization and grant of pension to 'gramin dak-sevaks.'
Expedite wage negotiation for the employees of Central PSUs including the contract workers without any conditionality.
This is the first time the government employees including the audit and accounts employees & officers in particular and the working class in general would be embarking upon a strike action on the issue of price rise that impacted adversely on the day to day life of the people at large. The All India Accounts and Audit Officers association cautioned the members against the plans of the present Government to accomplish the so-called unfinished agenda of neo-liberal reforms. Immediately after getting through the trust vote, the present Government had come out in its true colour. The Government could not suppress its zeal in announcing its plans for immediate measures to finish the so-called unfinished agenda of neo-liberal reforms, which obviously pertain to privatization and deregulation of financial sector - in pension, banking and insurance. The All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association felt these were designed to unleash complete deregulation to establish hegemony of private capital, both foreign and domestic, over the financial sector of the country.
Allowing voting rights for the foreign players in banking sector, unhurdled operation of foreign companies in the insurance sector and raising of the FDI cap, pushing the pension and other social security funds as fodders for speculative operations in the share market, privatisation/disinvestments of the profit-making Public Sector Undertakings etc are the retrograde measures on the anvil on the part of the present government, which could so long be stalled by the organized opposition by the entire trade union movement. The trade unions in this country denounces such overzealous posture by the present Government against taking such retrograde moves which would further throw the entire national economy deeper into the grip of speculative interests. In this background the All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association calls upon its officers to make the call of countrywide general strike of August 20, 2008 by the Sponsoring Committee of Trade Unions a total success and prepare for bigger countrywide united resistance struggle against such contemplated measures of privatization and deregulation of pension funds being touted overzealously by the present Government.
The All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association further calls upon every unit to endorse the notice that would be served to C&AG by All India Accounts & Audit Officers Association on 4th August 2008 by holding massive general body meetings.
Draft resolution that may be adopted in the GB is enclosed along with the Strike Notice that would be served to CAG.
The information regarding serving the notice may please be communicated to HQr through SMS on the same day followed by sending the copy of the notice served by post.
With warm regards,
Yours fraternally,
( S.Mohan)
Secretary General.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Invitation from Host Unit
(Recognised by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India)
No.CAO/NGP/ Dated: 17th July, 2008
Dear Comrade,
All India Accounts & Audit Officers Association conference at Nagpur
You must have received the Notification from the Secretary General of All India Accounts & Audit Officers Association regarding 33rd biennial Conference to be held at Nagpur from 28th August to 30th August, 2008. The Conference of the officers Association is being held at a crucial juncture. The unprecedented inflation and rise in prices of the essential commodities and its accelerating trend caused due to the pursuance of the anti-people economic policies of globalization, liberalization and privatization has made the employees and officers’ life miserable and unbearable. The raging inflation nullifies whatever increase in DA is granted by the Central and State Governments and will wipe out any financial benefit that might accrue to the officers & employees if the VI-Central Pay Commission recommendations are modified and implemented.
The status and Pay packet of AOs/Sr. AOs has not only been ignored by the 6th CPC but also downgraded by recommending the Pay Scale much lower than the Pay Scale of Cadre, the work of which is being supervised by us. In our department the danger which is looming large on our head is regarding computerisation and ultimately surrendering of accounting functions, Increase in workload of Accounts/Audit officers day by day without any norms and discussions. Similarly, the percentage of audit is pathetically reduced to make the functions of Audit a mere formality. The audit wing of establishment, contingencies and works had become endangered species. Selection of review topics have done liberally and the staff surrender had begun in a great way. Many of our genuine demands like removal of age limit for promotion to I.A. & A.S, Conferring Status directly in the rank of DAG/DD instead of AAG/AD to Sr.A.Os promoted to I.A. & A.S. by giving weightage to their long years of experience, Creation of the post of Welfare Officer in each field office within IA&AD, Review of Audit Plan, Increasing Promotion Quota to I.A &A.S. to 50% from the existing 33 1/3%,Group A status to our cadre and maintaining horizontal/vertical relativity with different cadres of IA&AD have not been considered by the Department for the past so many years.
It is opportune time for us to discuss and decide our future course of action in this Conference. If we falter now, then the future of our cadre will be doomed and future generations would curse us for not taking appropriate action. In this background, the organising Committee has made elaborate arrangements for holding the Conference at Central Place in Nagpur to facilitate fruitful discussion and to arrive at unanimous decision on future course of action.
The venue has been fixed at Sugandha Mangal Karyalaya, Opposite Bhagawagarh Park, Ajit Bakery road Dharampeth, Nagpur 440010 from 27th August to 31st August. 2008. The venue is about 3 K.M. away from Railway Station and 4 K.M. from Maharashtra State Transport Bus Stand. Further, our volunteers will be present at Main porch of the Nagpur Railway Station (near Platform No.1) on 27th and 28th August, 2008 during day time. The volunteers will help the delegates/observers in getting prepaid auto services to reach the venue. The climate of the Orange City during this period will be hot and humid. The delegates are advised to bring light clothing only. Catering arrangements at the venue have been made from 27th evening to 31st Midday. The delegate fee/observer fee is fixed @ Rs.400/-(Rs. four hundred only) per delegate. The participant organisations are requested to intimate the names of delegates and programme of arrival at Nagpur latest by 20th August, 2008 so that proper arrangements can be made.
All the organisations of the IA&AD irrespective of their affiliation are requested to attend this conference in order to chalk out a united policy and programme. The Organisation Committee hopes that your unit will participate in large number in this conference so that we can unitedly take a proper decision to face the challenges.
With fraternal greetings,
Fraternally yours,
(S.V. Deshpande)
Reception Committee.
PS: In case of any problem or help, the delegates are requested to contact any of the following office bearers: 1) Sh.A.S.Majumdar, 9420254539 (2) Sh.S.M. Tijare, 9423805694 (3)Sh. S.M. Darwhekar, 9226891553 (4)Sh. C.S.N. Murthy, 9422809103 and Sh. R.K. Srivastav,9422807600
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Please post your comments on the following message on Corporatisation of food.
S. Mohan.
Hungry for change
Karl Marx once noted, “The rate of profit is the motive power of capitalist production. Things are produced only as long as they can be produced with a profit.” Does this apply to food?
Every day millions worldwide are going hungry as food prices shoot up. In India prices jumped 12 percent in 2008 and are expected to raise more for the remaining part of the year. Eggs are up almost 30 percent. Milk is up more than 15 percent. Grains, fruits, vegetables and meats are sky high. A trip to the supermarket and Vegetable mandi has become a painful experience for low- and middle-income people as they contemplate the gold-plated prices and try to figure out how to put a decent meal on the table.
Yet food is nothing but a highly profitable commodity for giant agribusinesses Conglomerates like Archer Daniels, Midland, Cargill and Reliance dominate the worldwide production, processing and distribution of food, destroying local sustainable agriculture in the process, and reap mammoth profits as a result. For example, Cargill’s profits jumped by 82 percent last year, as food riots erupted in many poverty-stricken areas of the world and in our own country low- and middle-income people were forced to choose between paying for groceries or for rent, mortgage payments.
While fuel costs, biofuels, weather disasters and environmental degradation are all factors in rising prices, so is the pursuit of ever-bigger profits by investors and corporate chiefs. And food has become another hot item in Dalal Street portfolios. Many experts charge that speculation on food commodities has helped drive prices to the record highs we see in our supermarkets today. While the soaring prices are causing hardships for consumers, families of farmers are going under to the food conglomerates.
Wholesome and affordable food is a basic necessity of life. Corporations and private greed should not be deciding who eats and who doesn’t. Dalal Street speculators cannot be allowed to treat our food as their profit-making commodity. Strict regulation should be imposed to prevent this.
More fundamentally, we need a comprehensive national food and agriculture policy that protects consumers, family of farmers and our nation’s food supply and farmland. This is a real national security issue that needs urgent attention.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Circular No 4 of All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association
(Recognised by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India)
Ref. No. 59/NGE(JCM) 27-2006(Vol-II) dt. 12-03-2007
E Mail ID ‘’
No. AIAAAOA/Circular/2008-09/4 16.07.2008
The National Executive Members &
The Secretaries of the Affiliates
Dear Comrades,
NATIONAL CONVETION OF CENTRAL & STATE GOVT EMPLOYEES, UNIVERISTY COLLEGE TEACHERS & SCHOOL TEACHERS CALLS FOR STRIKE ON 20TH AUGUST 2008:The Joint Convention of Central and State Government Employees, University College Teachers and School Teachers held at Shah Auditorium at Delhi on 8th July 2008 decided to mobilise employees and teachers for a one day strike on 20th August 2008 against the anti-people economic policies of the government and the sky-rocketing price rise.
On behalf of our Federation, President Com.Radhakrishna participated in the Convention of Central and State Government Employees’ jointly organized by the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers’ and All India State Govt Employees’ Federation on 8th July , 2008. Com Rajesh Menon, Secretary General Confederation of Central Govt Gazetted Officers Organisations also attended the convention as an invitee. The convention unanimously decided to join the General strike of workers on 20th August 2008 being organized by the sponsoring committee of Central Trade Unions including Bank, LIC, and Public Sector etc. Com Rajesh Menon addressing the Convention declared that all efforts will be made to organize Gazetted Officers Organisations to join the strike. Com Radhakrishna while addressing the convention assured that the members of our Federation will join the strike on 20th August and will also serve strike notice on 4th August along with other organizations.
The Convention of Central and State employees and teachers on 8th July 2008 decided the following action programmes:
1. Joint Conventions at States/District/Industrial centres to be completed by 15th July,2008.
2. Massive demonstration/mobilization/dharna in all the states and Industrial centres on 30th July, 2008.
3. Serving of strike notice through demonstration on 4th August, 2008.
4. One day Strike on 20th August 2008.
It is requested that all our affiliated units should start effective campaign for the successful implementation of the strike on 20th August 2008. The Declaration of the Convention is already posted.
ON 6th Central Pay Commission Rumours are flying thick and Head Quarter is flooded with enquiries on Committee of Secretaries’ report on 6th Central Pay Commission. It is understood that it may be submitted to Government around 20th July 2008. The chances of core issues raised by the employees and officers being addressed are remote. Rather the govt. may go for cosmetic changes that will not benefit our cadre much. Our President met Asst.Comptroller & Auditor General (N) and other Officers in Comptroller & Auditor General’s Office and discussed certain important issues. In respect of Pay Scales of our cadres, the Asst.Comptroller& Auditor General (N) informed that the Department has presented before the Committee of Secretaries that the Pay Commission recommendation of merging of AAO and AO cadre should be annulled and that the Pay Scale of SAO should not be less than that of Under Secretary. A presentation has also been made before the Cabinet Secretary on the subject. It is further informed that the files regarding anomaly, our proposed amendments to the Constitution are still under process.
33rd Conference of All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association: (Dates Changed)The 33rd Conference of our Association is going to be held for 3 days from 28th to 30th August at the Orange City of Nagpur The venue of the Conference will be Sugandha Mangal Karyalaya, Opp to Bhagawagarh Park, Ajit Bakery road Dharampeth, Nagpur .No doubt, it is our conference to be held once in two years to talk about us, think about us, decide the future course of action to improve our working environment, living conditions and about our department. It is requested that all the affiliated units should send their respective delegates to the conference without fail.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Dear Comrades,
The declaration adopted in the Delhi Convention is for your information.
Secretary General.
Adopted unanimously at the convention of Central and State Government employees, University, College and School Teachers.
This Joint Convention of Central & State Govt. employees, Defence workers, University, College and School Teachers and other employees held this day, the 8th July, 2008 adopts the following declaration.
The Convention notes with distress that the Govt. of India and many State Governments in the country have been following the World Bank-IMF dictated neo-liberal economic policies unabated since 1991 despite the sustained and continued opposition and resistance of the working people. While fabulously enriching a few in the topmost strata of the society and allowing comfort to the high segment of the middle class, it has pushed millions of our countrymen to penury and poverty. While the economy is claimed to have grown at a faster pace during this period, the workers, peasants and common people became poorer in a much more accelerated manner.
The unprecedented inflation and rise in prices of the essential commodities and its accelerating trend caused due to the pursuance of the anti-people economic policies of globalization, liberalization and privatization has made the workers' and poor people's life miserable and unbearable. The raging inflation nullifies whatever increase in DA is granted by the Central and State Governments and will wipe out any financial benefit that might accrue to the employees if the VI-CPC recommendations are modified and implemented
The Central and State Govt. employees and the teaching community have always been in the forefront of the struggles and industrial actions organized under the auspices of Sponsoring Committee of Trade Unions. This convention, therefore, strongly supports the decision of the Sponsoring Committee to organize yet another one day countrywide united strike on 20th August, 2008 to oppose the disastrous economic policies and force the Govt to effectively control and bring down the rampant escalation of prices of commodities
The present ferocious trend of price-rise which has already touched about 12% has become a killer disease for the ordinary countrymen, but most astonishingly, the Central Government is betraying an extremely callous and indifferent attitude to this type of unforeseen price-rise and pooh-poohing it as nothing but a 'world phenomenon'.
The trade unions of the country including those in the Govt sector can not remain just as spectators, when employees and the common people are writhing with unbearable pain of this phenomenon. It is, therefore, the bounden duty of all trade unions to rise up to the occasion with vigorous protest compelling the Govt to control the spiralling price rise of essential commodities and rescue the people from this extremely tormenting and fatal situation.
It is diabolical that while the country is reeling under the unprecedented and uncontrolled price rise, the Govt. is crazy in pursuing the Nuclear Deal even at the cost of national sovereignty. Hence the needs for joining the countrywide strike on 20 August 2008.
This convention recognizes the fact that the Govt's attempt for withdrawal of the Statutory Pension Scheme of Govt. Employees to replace it with a contributory system is conceived to transfer funds from poor to rich and to finance the stock market operations. The mass scale outsourcing of regular jobs, contractorization, and privatization have become the modern instruments of exploitation. This is being applied in all Govt sectors including the teaching community and the teaching institutions. In all sectors; be it private, public or Government; denial of legitimate wages to the workers are encouraged blatantly by the Govt. Basic and hard earned labour welfare legislative enactments are sought to be replaced by reactionary ones to provide room for unhindered exploitation of workers and to appease the Trans-national Corporations.
Right to Strike for the Govt. employees has not yet been formally granted. This year is the 60th year of Declaration of Human Rights by the ILO. Govt. of India is a member State of the ILO. However, for the last 60 years Govt. of India has been consistently refusing to ratify the ILO convention 87, 98 in regard to TU rights and 151 concerning such rights to workers in public services. This convention demands of the Government to ratify the convention in 87, 98 and 151 and afford the right to strike to the Government employees.
This convention views the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission as yet another manifestation of the intent of the ruling class to intensify the neo-liberal economic policies. The 6th CPC has discarded all the established norms and principles of wage determination and has advanced untenable arguments to deny the employees the minimum wage. It has openly advocated Corporatisation and even privatization of major departments of the Govt. of India, Railways and Defence in particular. This convention asks the Government to deist from the practice of Corporatisation and privatization of Government departments. In consonance with the practices prevailing in the western world, the commission has suggested hefty pay packets and benefits for the top echelons in the bureaucracy denying in the process even the legitimate and genuine demands of the employees. The commission's recommendation to dispense with the existing Bonus scheme and introduce a system of performance related wage structure being bereft of any logic or merit has been rejected by all the organizations of Central Govt. employees unanimously. The convention condemns the suggestion made by the 6th CPC to abolish Group D Cadre and to stop recruitment of Group D employees as being superfluous in the Govt. departments and permit contractorization of these functions henceforth. This direction of the 6th CPC, if implemented by the Central Govt, will play havoc in the States, where the number of Group-D employees is in colossal numbers. This convention therefore demands the Govt. to enter into a meaningful discussion with the employees' organizations and bring about a satisfactory settlement on the recommendations made by the 6th CPC and ensure that the retrograde recommendation on stoppage of Group D recruitment is rejected.
The 6th CPC has not recommended to extend the existing defined benefit Pension Scheme for new recruits, which the Govt has stopped without any statutory sanction This is unacceptable and the Convention demands that the proposed new Contributory Pension Scheme which is yet to receive the assent of Parliament should be scrapped and all Govt. employees (including those recruited after 1.1.2004) brought within the ambit of the statutory defined pension scheme.
In addition to the above demands of the Govt sector in particular, the Convention fully adopts the Charter of Demands and endorses the programme of actions chalked out by the Sponsoring Committee in its national Convention held at New Delhi on 13th May, 2008 and calls upon the central and State Govt. employees, University, College and School Teachers to organize a day's countrywide strike on 20th August, 2008 in unison with the other sections of the working class in the country and carry out the following preparatory programmes of action.
Joint Conventions at States/District/Industrial centres to be completed by 15th July, 2008.
Massive demonstration/mobilization/dharna in all the states and Industrial centerson30thJuly, 2008.
Serving of strike notice through demonstration on 4th August, 2008.
This Convention urges that Central and State employees' organizations, Teachers and other section of employees in the Govt sector should take steps for successful observance of the Strike through unified and coordinated action in all States.
The Convention also calls upon the State Govt. employees and Teachers to organize solidarity action programme as and when the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers and other sections of the Central Govt. employees go for strike and other industrial action demanding satisfactory settlement of the 6th CPC recommendations.
The 6-Point Charter of Demands adopted by the Sponsoring Committee in National Convention of Trade Unions on 13 May 2008.
Take urgent step to contain price-rise through (a) universalizing the public distribution system throughout the country to cater all essential commodities at controlled price through PDS, (b) ban on futures and forward trading in all essential commodities, (C) reduction of tax in petrol and diesel, (d) stringent action against hoarding and black marketing.
Strict implementation of all labour laws particularly in respect of minimum wages, working hours, social security and safety and stringent action against all cases of violations; stop contractorisation and outsourcing.
Scope of the Unorganised Sector Workers Social Security Bill pending in Parliament should be expanded to cover all unorganised sector workers irrespective of BPL or APL category to ensure a national minimum social security benefit for them as per unanimous recommendation of the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) and the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour with Central Govt Funding.
Farmers Loan Waiver Scheme to be extended to loans from private moneylenders; nationalized banks to extend easy credit to peasants at lower interest rate.
Lift ban on recruitment in Govt services; remove the negative and discriminatory features in the recommendation of 6th Pay Commission and finalise the same for implementation in consultation with the employees’ organisations; expedite regularization and grant of pension to 'gramin dak-sevaks.
Expedite wage negotiation for the employees of Central Public Sector Undertakings including the contract workers without any conditionality.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Comrades this also applies to us (particularly many times) in the IAAD in a different context.
Please think it over…….
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
One day strike on 20th August, 2008.
National Convention of Central and State Govt. employees and teachers.
The sponsoring Committee of Trade Unions in the country has decided to organize one day strike action on 20th August, 2008 against the neo liberal economic policies of the Govt. of India. The latest manifestation of these policies is the report of the 6th Central Pay Commission. The report has discarded all the established norms and procedure in the determination of the wages of the Central Government employees and have openly advocated for outsourcing of its various functions, especially those presently carried out by the low paid workers belonging to Group D cadres. The existing relativities of the pay scale between the employees, officers and Class I officers have been disturbed wildly in favour of the Class I officers. The two major organizations of the Govt. of India i.e the Defence ordinance factories and Railways have been recommended to be corporatised. Besides there had been a subtle but definite attempt to drag the existing employees, officers into the vortex of the new contributory pension scheme. As the neo liberal economic policies of the government of India and its sixth pay commission report is having direct impact to our cadre, it had been and continues to be our endeavour to ensure the participation of all Central Govt. employees and Officers who are organized under the banner of the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers in such united industrial actions.
It has now been decided to hold a convention under the auspices of the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers, All India State Govt. employees Federation, the Federation of University and School Teachers of India on 8th July, 2008 at New Delhi. The venue of the Convention is:
M.P.C.U Shah Auditorium, Gujrati Samaj Marg, Near: Civil Lines Metro Station Delhi-110 054.
The Convention will commence at 1.30 PM and shall be concluded by 6.00 PM. In this regard, it is informed that the President of our Association Com.S.Radhakrisna will participate in the Convention on behalf of us.
With greetings,
Secretary General.
Friday, June 27, 2008
New website for our Association
The All India Accounts and Audit Officers Association has created its own website for its Communication.No doubt we entered into a new step. By that way our communication channel would be strengtherned further. I request all of our officers utilise this website for getting the developments in respect of their service conditions, working environment, as well as the developments in our own department.
Thanks for your cooperation
Secretary General