Monday, December 14, 2015

Central Working Committee at Hyderabad

Dated: 13th December 2015.

The meeting of the Central Working Committee under Article 9 D Constitution of All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association will be held in Hyderabad on 9th and 10th January 2016 to discuss the following agenda:
1.              To Consider and decide the future course of action on 7th Central Pay
Commission recommendations, Charter of Demands and Common demands of Central Government Gazetted Officers.
2.         Venue for the next Conference
3.         Organizational matters
4          Any other matter with the permission of the chair.
            The members of the National Executive Committee of All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association, permanent invitees, the Chief Executive of Association of Sr.Audit officer (Commercial) and Audit Officer (Commercial), the unit secretaries of the Audit officers Association, the unit secretaries of the Accounts Officers Association and the Chief Executive of Association of P&T Audit Officers and Sr.Audit officers are requested to attend the meeting without fail.

                                                                                                                                   Secretary General

Contact No. Prabhakar 09440698225.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Pay Commission News

The Seventh Central Pay Commission has announced that it will submit the report to the Government of India on 19.11.2015 at 19.30 hours.
